Mini Troopers Wiki

Welcome to the General Help and Frequently Asked Questions page.

Please ask your questions in the muxxu forum. If the question is asked frequently and has been answered appropriately then we will move it into this page with the other answers, thanks.


Colour Choice

Screen Colour Picks

Player-owned armies offer limited choice of colouration to their recruits: one choice retains the recruiter colour, while the ones to both sides, two each, offer adjustment colours looped in the following pattern: Red Brick → Utility Orange → Tan → Olive → Navy → Purple.

Q: Can I pick the colours for my army?

A: The army colour depends on the army that recruited you, for example an army's colour will be green if it was recruited by 'The Dalai Farmers' ( The Dalai Farmers is one of the bot armies).
Here are the colours you can get:
Green: The Dalai Farmers
Yellow: The OK Lumberjacks
Orange: The Exploding Carrots
Bright Orange: The Party-loving Hermits
Blue: The Order of the Sainted Trousers
Purple: The Wretched Individuals
(Question answered by vmmlo.)

Log Out

Q: How do I log out of my account?

A: There are three ways:
• Close the browser for long enough for the server to stop receiving requests,
• Clear the browser's cookies,
• Log into another account.


Q: I messed up while naming my army and ended up with two of them. How can I delete one?

A: You can't. The only thing you can do is abandoning it.


Ways to Earn

Q: Do I only get credits by fighting and recruiting new players?

A: Yes, the times of peace are nowhere to be seen.


Delete and Undo

Q: Can I delete a trooper or undo upgrades acquired?

A: No, so far there is no way to scrap unwanted troops or undo even the latest changes. So you should think twice, and even better, ahead. Once the damage is done, you can either start a new army over or cope with it with proper upgrading.



Q: Will MiniTroopers ever incorporate Tokens?

A: No, MiniTroopers is not integrated neither with Muxxu nor Twinoid.


Q: Can I earn trophies in MiniTroopers?

A: No, MiniTroopers is not integrated neither with Muxxu nor Twinoid.