Mini Troopers Wiki

Btl Communication Communications is a temporary global Stat, which allows all of your Btl Troopers Troops to use a number of active support Gen Ability Abilities.

Ways to Get Communications

  • Specializing a Helm Comms Officer Comms. Officier (+5 Btl Communication, additional +1 Btl Communication with each new level). COs don't need to be deployed and boost communications indirectly, but once in the field they are anecdotally noted to use abilities more frequently than others. After a CO is dead, he no longer provides a boost.
  • Utilizing a Item Radio Radio (+1 Btl Communication at a cost of taking an equipment slot).

Abilities Granted

  • Solo Mission (noticeable Small Initiative Initiative boost for one trooper).
  • Commando (not to be confused with Gen Ability Commando) (slight Small Initiative Initiative boost in an Small Area of Effect Area of Effect surrounding the trooper; hostile dummies caught in the AoE are affected as well).
  • Locked (enemy target acquires the Ef Locked status, and is 100% likely to get hit).
  • Propaganda (enemy trooper at very close range joins your side, completely retaining their current condition of life points, weapons, munitions, equipment, and effects), negated by Gen Ability Smart.
  • Support (2 additional troopers Btl Deployment Deploy during combat), comparable to Item Talky-Walky Talky-Walky (1 trooper).
  • Retreat (all friendlies exit the battle, being replaced by a fresh wave of reinforcements. Retreated troops join the next wave with life points, weapons, munitions, and equipment replenished, and no negative effects).


  • Commando will also affect enemy Rats caught in the Area of Effect.

    The Commando bug.

